01785 561730



What is Developmental Delay

Developmental delay is the term used when your child lags behind his/her peers in one or more areas of development. It is known as Global Developmental Delay when delay is in two or more areas of development. Assessment by a health visitor is important and often highlights the problem initially or a child may not be following the trajectory of his/her sibling’s development.

Areas of development

  • Gross Motor Skills (Mobility)
  • Fine Motor Skills (Hands movements)
  • Speech and language
  • Hearing and vision
  • Social
  • Cognitive (Learning)
  • Behaviour and Emotions

Warning signs or Red flags

  • Parental concerns
  • Loss of skills (regression)
  • Lack of response to sound or visual stimuli
  • Poor interaction with adults or other children
  • Limited eye contact
  • Low tone (floppy) or high tone (stiff and tense)

Causes of developmental delay

  1. A wide range of conditions can lead to developmental delay.
  2. It is important to identify it as early as possible as help may be readily available and it may have excellent prognosis. A delay in diagnosis may have detrimental outcomes.
  3. We are happy to help at any stage of your journey with your child.

Working with NHS

We can help you at any stage of your journey and will help you to go back to your local NHS services as your child may need local services for long term

Developmental delay Support

  • Multidisciplinary assessment & support
  • Planning and investigations
  • Follow up